Tori Marsh, The Let-down, Pt. 1
Tori Marsh (She/Her)
The Let-down, Pt. 1, 2021
Mixed Fiber
9" x 11"
When my son was born, he had a severe tongue tie, which made it nearly impossible to breastfeed. Pumping became my saving grace, and quickly, my obsession. Every ounce of "liquid gold" was precious to me. So, when I had my first unexpected let-down, I got upset. All that milk leaked onto my pants...mixed with tired, frustrated tears. The loss of control over my body was both fascinating to me, while simultaneously incredibly upsetting at the same time.
This pandemic has reminded me of that moment of new motherhood. Loss of control of how people have acted in the pandemic, exhaustion of teaching/entertaining/living with a rambunctious toddler, and tears for how lonely one can feel, even when they can still see people from a distance. This is an ongoing series of quilted embroideries depicting new motherhood featuring these little "wolf mothers".