Sarah Irvin (she/her/hers)Stay at Home Order, 2020Photogram63 x 79 inches

Sarah Irvin (she/her/hers)

Stay at Home Order, 2020


63 x 79 inches

Irvin_Sarah_Stay At Home Order Detail -April 20.jpg
Irvin_Sarah_Stay at Home Order Detail May 13.jpg

I swept my home every day during the stay at home order at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and archived the collected materials in a series of seventy-four photograms. The swept debris from each of the seventy-four days of the order for Richmond, Virginia highlights the inevitably porosity of the home. By focusing on the detritus tracked in and ultimately discarded, I am considering this porosity at a time when individuals were working around the world to seal off their homes to prevent the spread of disease. In doing so, I am visualizing the path of materials across the perceived public/private boundary during a time when that inherently provisional and permeable boundary was shifted by a governmental order in the interest of public health.



Laura Clarke


Jess Levey